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    Faculty Assistant Principal for Student Support

    Dawn Strickland

    Dawn Strickland comes to BSA with a wealth of experiences in the arts serving more than 27 years as an educator. Through her extensive career, Mrs. Strickland has taught vocal music to Baltimore City students in grades K-12. Her life motto is “Bloom wherever your planted”, and Mrs. Strickland has done just that! She has successfully served as music psychoeducator in Maryland nonpublic special education schools and led the Cristo Rey Jesuit High chorus to Superior Rankings in several regional competitions. Dawn studied flute at BSA from 1986-1990 and went on to earn her Bachelor of Arts degree in flute performance from St. Augustine’s University and a Master of Science degree in Music Education from Towson University. She has performed with the Raleigh Civic Symphony during Bobbie McFerrin’s conducting debut tour with Yo-Yo Ma and has served as a performing member of the Raleigh Area Flute Association (RAFA).

    Since her transition from music teacher to school administrator in 2010, Mrs. Strickland has served as Assistant Principal, Resident Principal, and Transition Principal in Baltimore City Schools. When she’s not working, she loves to volunteer with the Hippodrome Foundation or serve the East Baltimore community with her beloved sorority.

    “A teacher who really cares will make a big difference in any child’s life. That teacher for me is my middle school band teacher, Ms. Bettye T. McCleod, who encouraged me to audition for BSA. I want to pay it forward by creating life-changing experiences for the next generation of children. It’s such a blessing to live to see my life come full circle and yet, I’ve only just begun!”

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