
Do you want to lead a life of inquiry and learning? Our students are motivated, excited, and curious. They work together with our faculty to develop a richer understanding of the world.

Our college-preparatory program is designed to meet the challenges our students face with our demanding double major in arts and academics. The curriculum is built on the core values of a liberal arts education: inquisitiveness, creativity, and thoughtfulness.

The results are impressive. Our graduation rate and college acceptance rate are both close to 100 percent. Almost all of our graduates go on to pursue higher education, several at some of the most academically demanding institutions in the country.

View 2023-24 School Profile.

View 2022-23 School Profile.

2023-24 Student Handbook

Photograph of BSFA students building a project

What You’ll Learn

Problem Solving


Photograph of Baltimore School for the Arts students growing plants for science class




Senior College Application Night

Seniors and parents, please join us in the Straus Recital...


National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

Congratulations to students nominated for the National Honor...


BSA College Fair

We'll host our Annual College Fair for students and families...

Visit Events Calendar

Student Support

Admission to Baltimore School for the Arts is based solely on an arts audition and interview process. As a result, our students come to us with a wide variety of academic backgrounds and skill sets. This creates a diverse and unique learning environment that benefits everyone.

And we’re committed to helping each and every one of our students be successful, no matter where they start. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we’re able to provide a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen, after-school and weekend tutoring for those who require it, as well as other resources.

In addition to supporting our students academically, we’re committed to their artistic and personal development as well. An assistant principal, guidance counselor, psychologist, and social worker work together to ensure that all students receive the guidance and support they need.

Student Support Staff

College Counseling

Assistant Principal for Academics

Thomas Askey

Portrait of Tom Askey
English Instructor

Joy Bacon

Portrait of Joy Bacon

Our Staff

Featured Video
The Mind of the New Artist