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    In the News Visual Arts

    Fashion Sense

    Baltimore magazine discusses Fashion Week, Project Runway, and Baltimore with BSA alumnus Christian Siriano:

    “Siriano attended Broadneck High School for his freshman year before applying to Baltimore School for the Arts (BSA). Stephen Kent, head of the school’s visual arts department at the time, remembers Siriano coming in for his audition dressed in a black suit and showing his portfolio of fashion illustrations. ‘He stood out right away,’ says Kent. ‘Everything was coordinated and professional, and he presented his work in a very thoughtful way. He had no formal training, but he had this passion. I knew right away he needed to be at this school. Even at 14, he was convincing, and he knew what he wanted to do. I believed him.’

    Siriano completed the last three years of high school at BSA, where he developed his talent and even created his own assignments. Because his interest was in fashion, he was able to primarily focus on that instead of fine arts. ‘BSA is one of the most special places in the world,’ says Siriano. ‘You’re thrown into this world with unbelievably creative people and you’re given freedom and responsibility in your curated study.’ ”

    To read the full story, click here.

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